20+ Gen Z Statistics For Employers

Discover fascinating statistics about Generation Z, their workplace priorities, social media dominance, to mental health concerns.

Reviewed by:
Javeria Khan
August 28, 2024
0 min read time
Ayesha Noor
Content Marketer | CopyWriter
Content Marketer | CopyWriter
Ayesha Noor
August 28, 2024
0 min read time
Key take aways

What is Gen Z? and What is their age range?

Generation Z, commonly known as Gen Z, is the generation with people born between 1997 and 2012. As of 2024, Gen Z age range is from 11 to 26. This generation is also known as the “digital natives” which means they are the first generation that grew up with the Internet available as a part of daily life, Gen Z has their own distinctive style and preferences.

This unique combination of experiencing technology, climate change, surviving a global health crisis COVID-19 and uncertain financial landscape at such a young age has shaped Gen Z in profound ways. 

Gender Diversity in the Workplace Statistics

[fs-toc-omit]What is the percentage of Gen Z in the global population?

Gen Z represents approximately 32% of the global population.

Top Generation Z Statistics For Employers in 2024

Before we dive deep into the blog, here are the top key statistics:

  • 77% of Generation Z prioritize work-life balance (McKinsey)
  • Gen Z currently makes up 30% of the world's population and is expected to account for 27% of the workforce by 2025.
  • 72% of Gen Z is the most likely generation to have either left or considered leaving a job because their employer did not offer a feasible flexible work policy (LinkedIn survey)
  • 70% of Gen Zers prioritize pay/salary as a top aspect they want from their next job (The Forage)
  • More than half (54%) of Gen Zers spend four hours or more a day on social media (Morning Consult)
  • 88% of Gen Z spends their time on YouTube (Morning Consult's survey)
  • 76% of Gen Z actively engages with Instagram (Insense)
  • 68% of Gen Zers use TikTok, and 67% use Snapchat (Morning Consult)
  • 49% of Gen Zers use Facebook, and 47% use Twitter (Morning Consult)
  • Male Gen Zers use platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and Twitch more frequently, while female Gen Zers take the lead on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook (Marketing Charts)
  • 61% of Gen Zs report feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" over the past two weeks (Exploding Topics)
  • Only 45% of Gen Zs describe their mental health as "excellent" or "very good" (Exploding Topics)
  • Only 41% of Gen Zers expect to own a home one day (McKinsey)
  • 98% of Gen Z individuals own a smartphone
  • 73% of Gen Z individuals watch video content on smartphones

Gen Z's Workplace Priorities in 2024:

Gen Z values purpose and work-life balance more than any previous generation. They seek jobs that allow them to have fulfilling personal lives while pursuing their professional aspirations. Salary is important, but it is not the sole driving factor for Gen Z when it comes to choosing a career.

According to McKinsey’s article on Gen Z in the working world, a staggering 77% of Gen Z respondents consider work-life balance crucial when considering job opportunities.

What Influence Gen Z in the Workforce?

Gen Z is significantly influencing the workforce with their digital proficiency and value-driven mindset. As digital natives, they excel in leveraging technology, enhancing productivity, and driving innovation in remote and hybrid work environments.

Moreover, Gen Z's focus on diversity and inclusion is transforming workplace culture, ensuring that it reflects a broad spectrum of backgrounds and experiences. Their emphasis on work-life balance and continuous learning is prompting employers to offer more flexible work environments and professional development opportunities.

Gen z Statistics for employers 2023
Zurich Insurance reports that Gen Z currently makes up 30% of the world's population and is expected to account for 27% of the workforce by 2025.

Gen Z's Desire for Flexible Work Policies in 2024

Gen Z prioritizes flexibility in where and when they work. They value the ability to have control over their work schedule, remote work options, and a healthy work-life integration. Employers who fail to provide flexible work policies may struggle to attract and retain Gen Z talent.

According to a LinkedIn survey, 72% of Gen Z is the most likely generation to have either left or considered leaving a job because their employer did not offer a feasible flexible work policy.

Gen Z's Salary Expectations in 2024

Competitive compensation remains an important factor for Gen Z. They understand the importance of financial stability and seek fair compensation for their skills and contributions. While they value work-life balance and purpose, they also expect to be adequately rewarded for their efforts.

The Forage reports that 70% of Gen Zers prioritize pay/salary as a top aspect they want from their next job.

Generation Z Social Media Statistics

Social media plays a significant role in shaping Gen Z's behaviors, interests, and connections. It has become an integral part of their daily lives, providing avenues for self-expression, socialization, and access to information.

[fs-toc-omit]How much time does Generation Z spend on social media?

According to Morning Consult, a leading e-commerce platform, more than half (54%) of Gen Zers spend four hours or more a day on social media. This statistic highlights the significant amount of time that this generation dedicates to engaging with various social media platforms.

[fs-toc-omit]How does Gen Z prefer to communicate?

Gen Z prefers to communicate through digital channels, such as instant messaging apps, social media platforms, and video calls.

Gen Z's affinity for social media is evident as they actively participate in online communities, share content, and stay connected with their peers. With the influence of platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and YouTube, Gen Z has become a highly digitalized and socially connected demographic. Brands and marketers can capitalize on this trend by understanding Gen Z's social media behavior and tailoring their strategies accordingly. (Source: Morning Consult)

A Morning Consult survey revealed that more than half of Gen Zers spend four or more hours per day on social media.

Top Social Media Platforms for Generation Z

Gen z Statistics for employers 2023

YouTube: The Preferred Platform For Gen Z in 2024

YouTube's vast content variety appeals to Gen Z's appetite for entertainment and learning. They can find everything from educational videos to music, vlogs, and tutorials on the platform. YouTube's popularity highlights Gen Z's preference for video content and the influence of creators.

According to Morning Consult's survey, 88% of Gen Z spends their time on YouTube.

Instagram's Continued Relevance in 2024

Instagram's visual storytelling and influencer culture make it a favored platform for self-expression and social connection. Gen Z uses Instagram to curate their personal brand, showcase their creativity, and engage with like-minded individuals. Its features like Stories and Reels keep the platform engaging and relevant.

Insense reports that 76% of Gen Z actively engages with Instagram.

TikTok and Snapchat: Capturing Gen Z's Attention

TikTok and Snapchat have emerged as prominent platforms capturing Gen Z's attention. TikTok's short-form, highly creative videos and Snapchat's ephemeral nature provide unique ways for Gen Z to express themselves, engage with trends, and share moments with their peers.

Morning consult’s survey revealed that 68% of Gen Zers use TikTok, and 67% use Snapchat.

Declining Interest in Facebook and Twitter in 2024

Gen Z's preferences lean towards more visually-oriented and interactive platforms. Facebook and Twitter, which were once dominant, now face declining usage among Gen Z. This shift reflects the evolving digital landscape and the rise of platforms that offer more immediate and visually appealing experiences.

According to Morning consult’s survey, 49% of Gen Zers use Facebook, and 47% use Twitter.

Gender Differences in Social Media Usage 2023

There are varying platform preferences across genders within Gen Z. These differences highlight the diverse ways in which Gen Z engages with social media and reflects the different interests and social dynamics among male and female members of this generation.

Marketing Charts revealed that Male Gen Zers use platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Discord, Reddit, and Twitch more frequently. Female Gen Zers take the lead on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook.

Generation Z Mental Health Statistics

Gen Z faces unique pressures, such as academic performance, social media influence, and uncertain futures. The statistic highlights the significant impact of these factors on their mental well-being. It emphasizes the importance of prioritizing mental health support and creating a supportive environment for Gen Z.

Exploding Topics found that 61% of Gen Zs report feeling "nervous, anxious, or on edge" over the past two weeks.

Perception of Mental Health in 2024

There is a need for increased awareness, destigmatization, and accessible mental health services for Gen Z. Despite the growing conversations around mental health, many Gen Z individuals still struggle with their well-being. Providing resources and support can help improve their overall mental health outcomes.

Exploding topics revealed that only 45% of Gen Zs describe their mental health as "excellent" or "very good."

Gen Z's Shifting Homeownership Expectations in 2024

Factors like economic conditions, changing priorities, and a preference for flexibility and mobility influence Gen Z's perspective on homeownership. Gen Z is redefining traditional notions of success and exploring alternative paths to financial stability and personal fulfillment.

According to McKinsey, only 41% of Gen Zers expect to own a home one day.

Gen Z's Digital Natives Status in 2024

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with the Internet as an integral part of daily life. This "digital natives" status has shaped their understanding of technology, making them proficient in navigating digital platforms and leveraging online resources for various purposes. Gen Z's digital fluency gives them a unique advantage in the digital age.

According to GWI, 98% of Gen Z individuals own a smartphone.

Gen Z Values Sustainability 

Gen Z actively advocates for causes they believe in. They participate in protests, grassroots movements, and online activism to raise awareness and drive meaningful impact. Gen Z's passion for sustainability has made them a driving force in shaping conversations and pushing for a more eco-conscious society.

According to Kadence, 73% of Gen Zers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. 

Gen Z's Health and Wellness Focus in 2024

Gen Z prioritizes mental well-being, and self-care practices. They engage in activities such as mindfulness to manage stress and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Gen Z is also increasingly conscious of the importance of balanced nutrition and sustainable food choices.

According to an Ogilvy study, 70% of Gen-Zers say their mental health needs the most attention or improvement. 

Gen Z's Entrepreneurial Mindset in 2024

With access to digital tools, resources, and a strong desire for independence, Gen Z is more likely to start their own businesses or pursue entrepreneurial endeavors at a young age. Gen Z embraces creativity, innovation, and risk-taking, exploring non-traditional career paths and seeking to make an impact through their entrepreneurial ventures.

According to a recent Nielsen study, about 54% of Gen Z want to start their own company.

Gen Z's Focus on Authenticity and Transparency in 2024

Authenticity and transparency are highly valued by Gen Z. They expect brands, organizations, and individuals to be fun, genuine, honest, and socially responsible. Gen Z is skeptical of traditional advertising and is more likely to support brands that align with their values, demonstrate corporate social responsibility, and foster authentic connections.

According to Marketing Dive, 82% of Gen Z consumers trust a company that uses images of real customers in its advertising.

Gen Z's Financial Independence in 2024

Gen Z demonstrates a strong inclination toward financial responsibility. They have witnessed economic uncertainties, such as the 2008 financial crisis and the impact of COVID-19. As a result, they prioritize financial prudence, saving money, and making informed financial decisions. Gen Z values financial independence and seeks to establish a solid foundation for their future.

Investopedia reports that 54% of Gen Z hold some kind of investment, ranging from mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Gen Z's Global Awareness and Cultural Diversity in 2024

Gen Z has grown up in a globally connected world, exposed to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. They celebrate diversity, inclusivity, and equality, actively seeking to learn from and engage with different cultures. Gen Z's global awareness influences their preferences, values, and interactions, shaping a more interconnected and inclusive society.

According to AtOnce, 77% of Gen Z consumers hold companies accountable to address social justice issues.

These comprehensive statistics provide insights into the multifaceted nature of Generation Z. By understanding their workplace priorities, social media usage, mental health concerns, shifting aspirations, and other aspects, we can better engage with and support this dynamic generation as they shape the future.